dehonit is a material manufactured to DIN 7707 and DIN 68705. Only veneers of
red beech (Fagus silvatica) of selected quality are used bonded together under
heat and pressure using a special type of phenolic resin. |
Available grades
For the manufacturing of piano parts we have developed different grades, as listed
below. They have proved successful in thousands of instruments at home and
abroad. In addition we can manufacture special dehonit grades upon request.; |
dehonit boards should be stored in an enclosed warehouse with constant
atmospheric humidity (under 60%). Do not store directly on the ground or close to an
outer wall. Protect the boards against direct sunlight (danger of inducing tension) and
store by stacking flat one on top of the other on a flat level support with a cover over the
top board. |
Carbide tipped tools are recommended for machining dehonit laminated compressed
Quality control
dehonit laminated compressed wood boards are intensively controlled at all stages of
production. In addition the material undergoes extensive laboratory tests, to ensure that
the necessary properties are consistent and maintained from batch to batch. |
Dehonit for piano action
The piano action is the heart of the instrument.
To achieve consistent high quality over
decades, each of the 6,000 components must
be made with the greatest of care to be as
uniform and as accurate as possible. |