




CoilwindingEXPO 2009


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Deutsche Holzveredelung Schmeing GmbH & Co. KG (deho Group)

Deutsche Holzveredelung Schmeing GmbH & Co. KG is one of the world-largest producers of compressed laminated wood.

Kunstharzpressholzdehonit® compressed laminated wood is manufactured to comply with DIN 7707, IEC 61061 and consists of selected rotary cut beech veneers coated or impregnated with a synthetic resin. Following the application of the resin the veneers are assembled into a pack and pressed under high pressure and temperature to form a unique laminate material with excellent technical properties.

Characteristic features of dehonit®:

  • insulating
  • temperature stability
  • good dimensional stability
  • noise absorbing, noise reducing effect
  • hard as metal, having only a fractional part of the weight
  • water resistant
  • corrosion and chemical resistant
  • high wear resistant

Our product range:

  • semi-finished products
  • finished parts according to customers drawings and specifications

Please do not hesitate to contact our dehonit® Sales Department if you have any questions or need further information.

Typical fields of application for dehonit®:

  • transformer industry, cryogenic tank and pipe supports, automobile industry, aero industry, electrical engineering, foundry industry, textile industry, model-building, sewage treatment plants, etc